Friday, January 20, 2017

Growth Mindset

I have never heard of Carol Dweck or the growth mindset before but found myself agreeing with everything she said. I personally find few things as defeating as trying your hardest and still receiving a bad grade. Adding value to the process in which a student thinks, I feel would help students stay motivated regardless of their actual result. Since I've been at OU, I feel the teaching style has mostly shifted to appreciating the process. Being an engineering major, most exams and homework's that I do are lengthy and requiring several steps. Because of this, most teachers give partial credit and recognition of the process I use and thus encouraging the growth mindset. I also know many students who began engineering, did not perform well and ended up dropping out of the major. I feel it would have been beneficial for students like that to have had the "not yet" grade. So many students, including myself, are so scared of failure that they would rather remove the challenge and do something they are comfortable with. I strongly believe the growth mindset could make a huge impact on the number of students challenging themselves and remaining motivated regardless of any sort of grading system. I look forward to digging deeper into this concept and applying it to my life. 
Growth Mindset
Source: Cheezburger

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