Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Reading Notes: Public Domain Mahabharata, Part C

The dwelling of Kubera, lord of treasure and king of yakshas was a palace of crystal and gold. It had high walls of jewels and gleaming ramparts and turrets adorned by dazzling streamers. There were gardens of bright flowers and trees accompanied by the song of bird. I think this would make for an interesting setting for a story. Maybe create my own characters and place them in this world. 

Indra wanted to protect Arjuna from Kunti so he decided to take the form of a Brahmin and stood before Karna during his worship of the sun. Indra demanded his armor and earrings but Karna knew it was Indra and demanded one invincible dart in return. Karna was then no longer invincible however secretly had the arrow of death intended for a single foe. 

Karna explains that he’s going into battle with Arjuna because if he doesn’t he will be seen as Arjuna’s inferior. He knows they must battle and that he will fall in this war but he is fighting for his friends.
Karna and Indra
BibliographyPDE Mahabharata, Arnold, Besant, Devee, Dutt, Ganguli, Kincaid, Macfie, Mackenzie, Nivedita, Seeger, and Tagore.

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