Friday, February 17, 2017

Famous Last Words for Week 5

I actually really enjoyed reading the Mahabharata this week. I was a little bit nervous because I was told from a student who has previously taken this course that it is a lot more confusing that the Ramayana. It did have a ton of different characters with names I had trouble remembering but I went to my Pinterest board and searched the Mahabharata and found a family tree. It was extremely helpful to have pulled up side by side with the story on my computer so every time the story mentioned a character I could quickly reference who it was. I also took more detailed notes this week focusing on story lines in order to minimize my confusion. I think this was helpful in terms of comprehending the story but wasn’t quite as beneficial for my story telling.

While I really enjoyed the story, I did have a difficult time getting inspired to write a story. I was having trouble getting passionate about an idea and decided to story plan this week. As I began just writing out ideas it slowly started to form and I was able to create an outline that I think will make for a good story next week. I had planned on writing my actually story this week but I think I am too inexperienced of a writer to always be able to jump into a story. Taking this step back to plan out what I’m going to write I think will have a positive effect on my stories.

This coming Monday I have my first midterm exam and I was afraid I’d have to sacrifice a few assignments in this class and rely on extra credit but I was actually more productive throughout the week and was able to get farther ahead of my usual schedule. It’s only Friday and I am almost completely done with the week including extra credit so I am excited about that. I hope I am able to keep this momentum going into next week so that I am less overwhelmed on Sundays.
Family Tree

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